Thursday, January 28, 2010

My first 2 months.....

I wanted to let you all know I have been doing fantastic these first 8 weeks in the world. I love to swing fast in my musical swing, play in my gym, laugh at the funny faces Daddy makes at me, play dress up with Mommy, and I have just realized I can hold my own head up!! I can't wait to see what I discover next.......

Nana made me a new hat!

Bath Time!!

I love getting my picture made ;)

I'm ready to help Daddy build something

This is the dress my Mommy wore home from the hospital when she was a baby

Mom made me put this silly outfit on because it was too cold outside....I was soooo embarrassed

My Grandma, Grandad, Uncle Brian, Aunt Laura, Kiera and Bryce came to see me and we had so much fun!

Go Heels! Daddy hasn't been too happy with his team this year so I dress up in my Carolina best to help him cheer them on!!