Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We celebrated Thanksgiving in North Carolina and I ate turkey and mashed potatoes....and lots of pie:)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Months 8, 9, & 10

This Fall has been WONDERFUL! I have learned to crawl and climb the stairs. Mommy and Daddy can't keep up with me because I am all over the place all the time. I still love watching The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cartoon, and I will just ignore anyone who tries to get in front of me when it's on the television;) I hope you enjoy all my new pictures......I know I loved all of the fall activities I did!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall Festival

Mommy and Leah took me to a pumpkin festival with hay rides, corn mazes, and a petting zoo! I can't wait to go back next year!

The pumpkin patch was great! We picked the best one there!!

Pumpkin Patch!

Happy Halloween!

I had the best 1st Halloween! I dressed up like Minnie Mouse because my favorite cartoon is The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Mommy and Daddy took me around the neighborhood and I got lots of candy!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Months 6 & 7

My summer has been GREAT! I have gotten to go swimming, play with my friends, my Mimi, Aunt Shelly and Uncle Steve came to see me from Tennessee, Grandma and Grandad came to visit from North Carolina, I get to go to Nanna and Papa's house to play, Aunt Melissa is my nanny during the week, and best of all........we moved into a new house!! My new room is so pretty and I have lots of space to put my toys all around the house for Mommy and Daddy to step around:) I have found my tongue and I stick it out all the's so cool! I hope you all are having a wonderful summer as well!

Mimi spoils me rotten when she comes to play!

Grandma and Grandad came to see me and we went to the park and played on the swings!!

I went to visit my friend Maci and she can already walk! She tried teaching me but I think I would rather have Mommy carry me a little longer:)

Summer time fun!!

Mommy and Daddy took me to the pond to play with the ducks!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Month 5!!

Wow! I have found out recently that I can talk....well, it's more like I can squeal really really loudly!!! The sound of my voice is so awesome that I am talking all the time! I have a new jumper that I love to exercise in and I have even started eating some baby food!! I think my favorites are sweet potatoes and apple sauce. I think the neatest thing I have learned to do though is suck my thumb! Mommy and Daddy say I can suck it until I get my permanent teeth. Don't tell them, but I will probably still sneak and do it:) I hope you enjoy my latest pictures!

I had a play date with Carson at Piedmont Park. I can't wait until I'm big enough to slide down the big slides!

I finally got to meet Ava and we had the most fun playing together!